Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Scholarship Funds

WCF / Open a Fund / Scholarship Funds


Scholarships help remove the barriers that stand between deserving young people and the education they need to succeed.


Andrew G Ingram Memorial Scholarship
Anvil Engineering & Science Scholarship Fund
AVID Shuksan Alumni Scholarship
Baird Family Scholarship
Bellingham Central Lion’s Club 
Bellingham Education Association Scholarship
Bellingham High School Class of ’67 Scholarship
Bellingham Scholarship Fund
BHS Class of ’65
Brett Allsop Memorial Scholarship Fund (Endowed)
Dan Bartle Memorial Scholarship
Clayton D. Millage Scholarship Fund –Endowed  & Non-Endowed
Commander Pete Oswald Scholarship
Dave Nelson Memorial Scholarship
D C Morse Family Scholarship Fund
Don & Ellen Easterbrook Scholarship
Fairhaven Alumni Scholarship Fund
Ferndale Scholarship Endowment
Ferndale Scholarship Fund
Dorothy and Harris Gonsalves Memorial Scholarship Fund
GRADS/Teen Parent Scholarship
Haggen Food & Pharmacy Scholarship
Harold VanBerkum Memorial Scholarship
Hannah Dashiell Memorial Scholarship
HLAA – Whatcom County Founders Fund Scholarship
Heather Marie Engels Memorial Scholarship
Joan Beardsley Memorial Scholarship
John & Helen Warden Memorial Music Scholarship
Margie & Steve Kimberley Family Character Award (Endowed)
Kiwanis Club of Bellingham Scholarship
Larry G. Kinley Leadership Scholarship (Endowed)
LaVelle A “Vel” West Scholarship
Lee Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
Lori Poad Memorial Scholarship
Lynn Heimsoth Memorial Scholarship
Macpherson Family Scholarship
Mary L. Seilo Memorial Scholarship
Michael Hansen Scholarship Fund
Mike Mischaikow Memorial Scholarship 
Moles Family Scholarship
Nicholas Moothart Scholarship Fund
Northside Dental Care Scholarship
North Cascades Audubon Society Annual Scholarship
Options High School Scholarship
PEO Sisterhood Chapter BQ Scholarship
PTO at Skyline Elementary Scholarship
Richard & Elaine Tucker Scholarship Fund
Robyn du Pre Memorial Scholarship
Rotary Club of Bellingham Foundation Scholarship Fund
Roy Georgeff Scholarship Fund
Thomas & Martina Horn Foundation Scholarship (Endowed)
Tim & Leslie Farris Scholarship
Harold VanBerkum Memorial Scholarship (Endowed)
Ted Van Dyk Scholarship
Van Pelt Family Scholarship
Vicky Marshall Memorial Scholarship
Wesley D. Martinsen Memorial Scholarship (Endowed)
W. Ingram Family Scholarship
Wade King Scholar-Athlete Scholarship
Whatcom Farm Worker Scholarship
Whatcom Scholarship Fund
William and Judy McCourt Scholarship(Endowed)
Mr. Wood & Family Scholarship
Wynne Memorial Scholarship
Zach Bouchard Memorial Scholarship