Investing funds for the best returns is critical to our mission, and to achieving the philanthropic goals of our partners. We strive to maximize income while ensuring that we are managing financial risks prudently.
Our investment philosophy is to assure a long-term rate of growth sufficient to offset normal inflation, administrative fees, and management fees (if any), plus reasonable, regular distributions. Any income over the amount available to spend stays in the fund to make up for the years in which the overall returns fail to meet our goal.
The Foundation’s Investment and Finance Committee approves and monitors all investments on a regular basis. The Foundation Board of Directors receives regular reports on all its financial activities.
Investment & Finance Committee
Tasha Dewey, CPA – Committee Chair
Senior Manager, Moss Adams
Gary Barnett
Local Business Owner
Kevin DeYoung, Partner
Larson Gross
Karen Sloss, CFP®
Financial Advisor
W. Devin Wolf, CFP
Principal, Financial Advisor – The Financial Plan, Inc.
Earl Benson (Advisory Member)
Professor, Department of Finance and Marketing, Western Washington University
Investment Approach
Our investment approach is determined by our total assets and the cash flow requirements of our various Funds. Three investment pools are currently managed by our Investment and Finance Committee. Each pool has a different target allocation, intended to meet the unique cash flow needs of the Funds within the pool:
Long Term Pool – All endowed funds. Equities 62%, Fixed Income 25%, Real Estate 5%, Impact Investments 5%, Cash Equivalents 3%
Socially-Screened Long Term Pool – All endowed funds. Socially-Screened Equities 62%, Fixed Income 25%, Real Estate 5%, Impact Investments 5%, Cash Equivalents 3%
Mid Term Pool – Non-Endowed Funds, intended to be disbursed over several years. Equities 25% Fixed Income 65% Real Estate 5% Cash Equivalents 5%
Short Term Pool – Non-Endowed Funds, intended to be disbursed within one year, or if distribution plans are unknown. Cash Equivalents 100%
The Board has directed our Investment and Finance Committee to limit our investments to no-load mutual funds, cash, and other cash equivalents. At our current asset levels, this approach is seen as the most cost effective and prudent. The Investment and Finance Committee has selected index-type mutual funds that meet the investment objective of each pool.