Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Apply for a Grant

WCF / Apply for a Grant


Grantmaking is one way that we are making a difference.

The competitive grant review process seeks to identify projects and programs with the greatest potential to create an environment where everyone who lives here thrives.

Review our grant offerings listed below to determine the best fit for your project. We strongly recommend reviewing our grant guidelines HERE before starting your application. Community groups may find a nonprofit charitable organization, public institution or tribe to serve as a fiscal sponsor in seeking grant funding. Please call us for more information about how that might work.

2024/25 Grant Opportunities

Youth Philanthropy

The Youth Philanthropy Project helps high school students develop personal and professional skills needed by the next generation of community leaders. With staff support, students form a leadership committee to learn about local issues affecting Whatcom County, review grant proposals and make funding decisions.

The Youth Philanthropy Committee will review grants and make awards up to $5,000 for nonprofit organizations, schools, Native American Tribes and government agencies.

In 2025, half of the Youth Philanthropy Project funding will focus on youth and young adults (up to age 24) in Whatcom County experiencing homelessness. The other half of the funding will focus on the environment in Whatcom County for activities involving youth. Priority will be given to programs that engage youth in program design/delivery.

Grant application opened on 10/7/2024
Grant application closed on 1/6/2025
Awards announced in April 2025

Wellness Grants Square

Funds for Whatcom County: Health & Wellness Grants

We are offering mini grants to local Whatcom County Federal nonprofits to address some of the issues of staff fatigue, turnover and burnout that are currently pervasive throughout the nonprofit sector. We invite you to apply for grants to support you and your team’s physical and mental health, creating a positive work environment, enhancing job satisfaction, and reducing burnout.

We will have at least $200,000 in funding and will offer $1,000 – $10,000 grants (depending on organizational staffing size and what you’d like to do). Grant funding amounts could increase depending on the number of applicants and/or increase in funding pool.

Grant application opened on 10/7/2024
Grant application closed on 2/3/2025
Awards announced in March 2025


Project Neighborly

The Project Neighborly (PN) grant is for people who have great ideas about how we can all become better neighbors by bringing people together that might not otherwise meet. The Community Foundation will award grants (up to $5,000 each) to support inspiring, actionable, relevant projects and activities that develop a sense of community and promote neighborliness throughout the rural and urban areas of Whatcom County.

Special PN FAQ’s & Guidelines click HERE

PDF Application Preview – 2025 Project Neighborly

Whatcom Community Foundation online grants portal login HERE to apply

Grant application opens 10/7/2024
Grant application closes 3/10/2025 at 4pm
Awards announced early May 2025

Please review our Grant Guidelines HERE before submitting a grant request. 

Whatcom Community Foundation online grants portal login HERE

Tips using the grants portal HERE

WCF photo release form click HERE

Sample budget to actual click HERE

Grant Seeking Resources

Our team knows how hard it can be to match great ideas with funding opportunities. Sometimes it can feel like if you are never in the right place and the right time.

We are working on a couple ideas to help, but in the meantime, we recommend the following resources as next steps:

Fundraising/Marketing Resources

Bellingham Library’s Nonprofit Resource Center and subscription to The Foundation Center –

Association of Fundraising Professionals

AFP-Washington Chapter

Claxon Marketing – Resources/Do-it-Yourself

Susan Howlett (fundraising and board development) – consultant, author (Boards on Fire, Getting Funded, etc.)

General Nonprofit Resources

501 Commons (statewide nonprofit support organization)

Washington Nonprofits (statewide nonprofit advocacy organization)

Tech Soup (discounted software for nonprofits)